Is Your Child’s Heavy Backpack Causing Their Neck And Back Pain?


By Free Motion Physiotherapy

We see our little people growing up and setting off to school, half the time smaller than their brand new school bags.

When concerned about the long-term effects of the weight of school bags on our children, we would be naive to not also consider the effects of TV, computers, tablets, cellphones and hunching over desks at school and at home.

A child’s posture automatically adapts to accommodate the increased weight of a backpack affecting the biomechanics within the spine. Most notable is the leaning forward of their body which shortens the hip flexors and can contribute to low back pain. Secondly, the head is automatically pulled forward as they lean which places strain on the neck and shoulder muscles. Tension in these muscles can contribute towards the development of headaches.

These postural changes are very similar to those that occur when playing computer games or sitting with a tablet in front of them or leaning forward at a desk doing their homework.