Stiff joints in the upper neck and back are the primary cause of a cervicogenic headache. Movements in our neck are pain-free when our joints glide and move freely.
If a joint or its surrounding ligaments or muscles become irritated, the joints can stiffen and cause pain which may refer into other areas. This happens because nerves that supply the upper neck also supply the skin overlying the head, forehead, jaw, eyes and ears. Therefore, pain arising from structures of the upper neck may refer to any of these areas. Unfortunately, cervicogenic headaches are very common, but the good news is that they are very treatable through Physiotherapy.
The stiffening in the joints of the upper neck is often caused by everyday occurrences. Small changes made to your daily routine can make a big difference.
Causes to consider
- Poor posture
- Stiffness of the joints in the neck and upper back
- Muscle imbalances (muscle tightness + muscle weakness)
- Previous neck trauma (ex: whiplash, sports injury)
- Incorrect desk setup
- Poor sleeping postures
- Being inactive